Developed by Jie Feng (B.Eng and M.AppSc)
Please Email questions and comments.
About Lighttex Eggcalc
Lighttex Eggcalc for 35° and 40° Model
Lighttex Home Page

The increased percentage of direct sun blocking equates to improved uniformity of diffused interior reflected light. For details of our researched data, see computer modeling results.

Three easy steps:
Step 1: Select a window orientation A or B
A. Horizontal Skylight Window B. Vertical Side Window
Dimension of window: 10' x 10' Dimension of window: 10' x 10'
Window is parallel to direct north East South West North
Window is 45º to direct north North/East North/West South/East South/West
Step 2: Select site location
Site Location Degree Minute Second Time Zone
City: Latitude:
Longitude: Positive time zone for Western Hemisphere.
Note: If your city is not listed in the City pulldown box, click here to find the latitude, longitude and time zone, then select Enter Lat/Long=> from the pulldown box and enter the values in the text boxes to the right. Need help? Click here. Or contact us, we will add your city into the pulldown box.

Step 3:

Note: You may need to click Calculate button more than once to have the bar graph load completely. To print, set your page orientation to Landscape by selecting File => Page Setup.
Lighttex Eggcalc
Direct Sun Blocking Percentage and Bar Graph Comparison
March 21st Blind/Louver Blind/Louver Lighttex
45º Cell
strip/cell dimension 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x3"
07:00am, March 21st

08:00am, March 21st

09:00am, March 21st

10:00am, March 21st

11:00am, March 21st

12:00pm, March 21st

01:00pm, March 21st

02:00pm, March 21st

03:00pm, March 21st

04:00pm, March 21st

05:00pm, March 21st

06:00pm, March 21st

07:00pm, March 21st

Lighttex Eggcalc
Direct Sun Blocking Percentage and Bar Graph Comparison
June 21st Blind/Louver Blind/Louver Lighttex
45º Cell
strip/cell dimension 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x3"
07:00am, June 21st

08:00am, June 21st

09:00am, June 21st

10:00am, June 21st

11:00am, June 21st

12:00pm, June 21st

01:00pm, June 21st

02:00pm, June 21st

03:00pm, June 21st

04:00pm, June 21st

05:00pm, June 21st

06:00pm, June 21st

07:00pm, June 21st

Lighttex Eggcalc
Direct Sun Blocking Percentage and Bar Graph Comparison
September 21st Blind/Louver Blind/Louver Lighttex
45º Cell
strip/cell dimension 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x3"
07:00am, September 21st

08:00am, September 21st

09:00am, September 21st

10:00am, September 21st

11:00am, September 21st

12:00pm, September 21st

01:00pm, September 21st

02:00pm, September 21st

03:00pm, September 21st

04:00pm, September 21st

05:00pm, September 21st

06:00pm, September 21st

07:00pm, September 21st

Lighttex Eggcalc
Direct Sun Blocking Percentage and Bar Graph Comparison
December 21st Blind/Louver Blind/Louver Lighttex
45º Cell
strip/cell dimension 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x10' 3"x3"x3"
07:00am, December 21st

08:00am, December 21st

09:00am, December 21st

10:00am, December 21st

11:00am, December 21st

12:00pm, December 21st

01:00pm, December 21st

02:00pm, December 21st

03:00pm, December 21st

04:00pm, December 21st

05:00pm, December 21st

06:00pm, December 21st

07:00pm, December 21st

Blocking of direct sunlight by Lighttex is determined from simple geometry . When the Lighttex material directly faces the sun, there is no blocking. As the angle between the sun direction and the material increases, so does the amount of blocking.

The angle at which full (100%) blocking occurs depends on the cell depth and width. Click here for direct sun blocking comparison for other Lighttex models.

Ten optional window orientations may be selected in eggcalc to show the sun blocking properties for three different window coverings including Lighttex Egg Crate panels. The solar position JavaScript routines used in Eggcalc come from Solar Position Calculator, by Surface Radiation Research Branch, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce. These routines are based on equations from Astronomical Algorithms, by Jean Meeus. The sunrise and sunset results have been verified to be accurate to within a minute for locations between +/- 72° latitude, and within 10 minutes outside of those latitudes. Simple mathematical geometry is applied to calculate the ratio of direct sun blocked shadow area over the whole area by which direct sun goes through.

Note that computer simulation results can be different from actual due in part to:

  1. The effects of atmospheric refraction especially when latitudes are greater than 72° north(North to Alaska, US) or less than 72° south (Antarctica);

  2. A small solar position difference as year 2004 is used as a typical year in Eggcalc. The sun drifts slightly in its orbit over time. We think the amount is small enough to be ignored.

For more about Lighttex Eggcalc, click here.

Lighttex Canada Inc. assumes no responsibility for the use or suitability of this software. The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with the user. Lighttex Canada Inc. does not warrant that the functions contained in this software will meet user requirements, or that the operation of the program will be uninterrupted or error free.

© 2005 Lighttex Canada, Inc.